On Fri, Sep 13, 2019 at 09:22:54AM -0400, Giles Orr via talk wrote:
> Having solicited suggestions for improvement, I got more than I bargained
> for (but it was all good!).  It took a while, but I've incorporated most of
> the suggestions:
> https://www.gilesorr.com/blog/tls-https-details2.html

Hmm, minor personal irritant about variable assigment:
is enough.  You don't need to do

    $ a="11 * 22"
    $ b=$(echo "$a")
    $ c="$(echo "$a")"
    $ declare -p a b c
    declare -- a="11 * 22"
    declare -- b="11 * 22"
    declare -- c="11 * 22"

William Park <opengeome...@yahoo.ca>
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