On Thu, Dec 15, 2022 at 12:28 PM Evan Leibovitch via talk <talk@gtalug.org>

> From the FAQ:
> Data contributed to ODbL licensed datasets will be contributed under both
>> the ODbL and CDLA permissive v2. Contributions to CDLA permissive v2
>> datasets will be contributed under the CDLA permissive v2.
> I don't know these licenses. Are they open enough such this project's data
> can be used by OSM?

ODbL is the licence used by OSM. Its background is more from European
database copyright than open source. It's a share-alike licence with
required attribution. CDLA I'd never heard of, but it seems like a "let's
make the MIT license, but for data". Many VC-funded startups balk at the
share-alike and attribution requirements of OSM, because they just want the
free data and earn money from contributors' work.

This looks like Overture can consume OSM data, but OSM can't use Overture's
data easily. What a surprise.

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