On 2023-06-05 11:16, Scott Sullivan via talk wrote:
On 2023-06-05 09:14, Alvin Starr via talk wrote:
Does anybody know of an volume based backup solution that can work in an incremental manner?

This questions has big unstated conditional. Are you looking for

A) 'volume based backup that agnostic of the volumes it is backing up'

For which I have no answers.
That is kind of my preference.

B) 'An alternative filesystem / volume solution that can support incremental backup'

ZFS snapshots fit the bill here. Most folks will jump to the conclusion that you have to stream from one ZFS to another. But in reality zfs send is just standard out, that is only connected to a zfs receive by convention. You can just dump the incremental stream as a file/object that  doesn't need to be applied to a receiving ZFS immediately. You are then into the same know problem set of full vs incremental offline database backups.

Changing the filesystem would be a major lift and likely take months to copy the data over. This is also the underlying storage for a Gluster volume so I am not sure of the ZFS support for Gluster.
But it is food for thought.

We are in this situation because some "wizard" said "don't store PDF data in a data base keep it on a file system and just link using the paths".

Well that works well till you get tens of millions of files.

Backing up a database in the TB size is orders of magnitude faster than trying to back up that same data in a filesystem

If I had my way I would convert the data to something like an Elastic database were the numbers of files are more manageable.

Alvin Starr                   ||   land:  (647)478-6285
Netvel Inc.                   ||   Cell:  (416)806-0133
al...@netvel.net              ||

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