On 2023-06-05 6:45 PM, Alvin Starr via talk wrote:
I can snapshot the volume and then backup the snapshot but that is a 40TB image. Veeam tries to take a look at the file systems and zero unused space, like Borg appears to do, but that feature had to be disabled because it was causing random system crashes.

I will take a closer look at Borg.

At Canonical we used an in-house tool called Turku to handle sharded backups for many thousands of systems: https://canonical.com/blog/introducing-turku-cloud-friendly-backups-for-your-infrastructure

I think in 2018 when I was there, we had 4-5 storage nodes with 12-16TB backup storage in each. Any VM that wanted a backup just had to run the agent (python app to invoke rsync), and have a copy of the storage system's public key.

The original lives here: https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~turku/turku/turku-storage/files and my past colleague who wrote it has a fork of all three components: https://github.com/rfinnie/turku-storage and so on.

For object storage with deduplication and B2 (backblaze) support, I use restic. I've got ~500k files in about 100GB of deduped space stored for less than $1USD/month. Restic is fast (standalone Go binary), encrypted in transit and at rest, supports compression and deduplication, and also handles many different storage backends.

I can't vouch for it scaling beyond 1-10TB though, but I would be looking at some kind of incremental+sharding solution for anything larger than that anyways.

Cheers, Jamon
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