It sounds like the windows screenreader out of Canada you bought was Window bridge. Pam.

-----Original Message----- From: via Talk
Sent: Monday, August 03, 2015 12:16 PM
To: David Goldfield ; Window-Eyes Discussion List
Subject: Re: Screen Reader History

Wow!  This is bringing back some fun memories!

Around 1983 or 84 i started taking some BASIC programming language
classes at my local Radio Shack.    they had several Model 4's that ran
Trsdos and CPM.  the instructor had rigged up the systems to speak.  it
was quite crude and was not a Screen Reader at all.  No way to repeat
anything.  but it was a start, I knew right there and then, I wanted a
Computer.  I begged, borrowed and stole enough to finally get one of
those Model 4 systems.  Bought some actual Screen Reader for about $300
and I wa son my way.  Loved playing Zork, and many other Infocomm games.

I was in a Relationship that went bad.  The woman gave me back my
engagement ring, and I traded it to a guy that had several IBM XT
machines.  And once I had my first MS Dos system, there was no looking
back.    This may have been around 1986 or 87.    I am so glad that
woman broke up with me!  Because she did, I had a Career in Computers.
Too funny.

Bought a screen reader out of Ohio, think it was called Enhanced PC.
then bought the one done by Arctic.  finally came on to Vocal Eyes around
1991 or 92.
When Windows  3.1 came along, I did purchase  some windows Screen Reader
out of Canada.  It sucked, but I needed it for work.

i bought the Window eyes program when it came along.  And it was  a bit
limited, but it worked well enough for me to keep my job.   Been with
Window eyes to this day.  have yet to buy JAWS, although I've helped others
who have it.

thanks for the walk down memory lane.

edline!  Now that makes me laugh.i once had to use that very limited
editor to write COBOL and JCL.  Was using a PC hooked up to a huge
mainframe at Boeing.

I kept wanting to use Word Star to write my code, but was told to use
Edline or else!

Crazy times back then.

Dave <>

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