Hi All,

I seem to lose speech all the time.
Then for some reason the alt-ctrl-w key doesn't work ... no speech, the
sighted can use the machine just fine but, no one can exit WE with out a
reboot for in task manager just forcing the we apps to just end.
I think I need to go back to a previous version or use a different screen
It's sad that this version was release with out even a beta.
Any one know if and when we might have a beta to fix lots of these huge


-----Original Message-----
From: Talk
[mailto:talk-bounces+libertyroundtable=gmail....@lists.window-eyes.com] On
Behalf Of Veronica Smith via Talk
Sent: Sunday, September 13, 2015 3:34 PM
To: 'Rick Thomas' <ofbgm...@mi.rr.com>; 'Window-Eyes Discussion List'
Subject: RE: Why does Window-Eyes just stop talking?

Unfortunately, WE just goes out to lunch while I am in a word doc as well.
It truly frustrates me.

-----Original Message-----
From: Talk
[mailto:talk-bounces+madison_tewe=spinn....@lists.window-eyes.com] On Behalf
Of Rick Thomas via Talk
Sent: Friday, June 12, 2015 11:28 AM
To: 'Chris Grabowski'; 'Window-Eyes Discussion List'; 'Bob Tinney'
Subject: RE: Why does Window-Eyes just stop talking?

Hi: I just did a little work on this with Internet Explorer and windows 8.1
and both jaws and WindowEyes.
I use  a yahoo website that has allot of flash and pop outs and java script.
WindowEyes would lock up whenever Internet Explorer had a problem and had to
close. Looking at the details the problem was related to flash and there was
an address that could not be read causing Internet Explorer to crash,
refresh and then either continue or things would just lock up.
It threw a win32 problem message I think.
This also happened in jaws so it does not appear to be only a WindowEyes
I installed a FireFox browser, 3.8 I think, and got to benefits so far.
There is little or no delay waiting with no WindowEyes interaction perhaps
waiting for some flash or other dynamic content to load which was the case
in IE.
Also, so far I have had no lockups while reading the yahoo pages in FireFox
with either WindowEyes nor JAWS.
Now, if this happened every few minutes as it does when trying to read these
pages with WindowEyes, much more frequent than in jaws but jaws also failed,
the  sighted community would be all over it and they arent - some problems
with crashes but not millions of people complaining.
This leads me to think that these types of sites using allot of rollovers,
popouts and flash, perhaps also triggered with rollovers etc... don't play
nice in general with the win32 interfaces the screen readers use???
But, for me so far using the recent version of FireFox seems to play nicer
with flash and the screen readers than does Internet Explorer.
I hope WindowEyes will hammer out a very solid and responsive interface to
the new Microsoft Browser and that flash either just goes away or the 3
legged monster of the browser, flash and a screen reader manage to live
together in peace.
Rick USA
-----Original Message-----
From: Talk [mailto:talk-bounces+ofbgmail=mi.rr....@lists.window-eyes.com] On
Behalf Of Chris Grabowski via Talk
Sent: Friday, June 12, 2015 10:01 AM
To: Bob Tinney; Window-Eyes Discussion List
Subject: RE: Why does Window-Eyes just stop talking?

Hi Bob,
If  speech stops on the same web pages at the same time, it would be great
if you could send us a couple of examples.


Window-Eyes Product Support
Ai Squared
725 Airport North Office Park
Fort Wayne, IN 46825
(802) 362-3612

-----Original Message-----
From: Talk
[mailto:talk-bounces+cgrabowski=aisquared....@lists.window-eyes.com] On
Behalf Of Bob Tinney via Talk
Sent: Friday, June 12, 2015 8:25 AM
To: Window-Eyes Discussion List
Subject: Why does Window-Eyes just stop talking?


When WE 9.0 was released, I had considerable trouble with WE going silent
when loading web pages in IE11.  Alt-control W would bring back WE, but the
computer would be very sluggish until a reboot.  WE 9.1 fixed that
sluggishness issue, but I'm still having trouble with several web pages that
will stop speech in WE.  I can restart WE and continue where I was when
speech stopped, but I'm wondering what is causing the stop speech problem in
the first place?  Can this problem be addressed in the next release of WE?


Bob, K8LR, tinn...@charter.net

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