
If the download is still showing 0 percent, close that download and start the download from the beginning again.

Bob, K8LR,

On 4/15/2016 7:08 AM, Lloyd Rasmussen via Talk wrote:
It may have been downloaded already. Or your network is really slow. Or the questions are appearing in a different dialog box than the one that acts like a web browser. Alt-Tab around and see what else is happening.

Lloyd Rasmussen, Kensington, MD
-----Original Message----- From: Larry Higgins via Talk
Sent: Friday, April 15, 2016 5:18 AM
To: Window-Eyes Discussion List
Subject: In the process of upgrading to Windows 10, but a question or two


Maybe this has been thoroughly covered in previous discussions, but if
so, it has been missed by me.

I have been in the process of upgrading to Windows 10 since around
7:30pm yesterday evening, and it is now a little after 4am, and I am
still getting the words when tabbing through the page "Starting
Download" and "loading," but no apparent movement in the process.

I elected to download rather than install, because I thought that
downloading would give me a better chance of scheduling when the
installation and upgrade would take place, hopefully at a time more
convenient for me. Was this indeed the right choice?

I realize that this process can take a day or two to complete
altogether, but not getting any feedback or indication of action is a
bit disconcerting to say the least.

Thanks for any help with all of this in advance. I am just a bit
apprehensive about this upgrade to begin with, but this waiting with no
apparent time table is making me a bit crazy <smile>.

Thanks again, and am looking forward to working with W10 when it indeed
actually presents itself for installation.

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