You might be interested in WordWeb Pro with the New Oxford American dictionary add-on. The combination of the two may give you what you want. Here's a link to the main page.

WordWeb Pro is 19 dollars and the Oxford American dictionary is 29 dollars. But they have all kinds of add-ons and bundles you can check here on the purchase page.

As for accessibility? I must say that the main window is a bit peculiar in the way it's constructed. So I did a little work on it with Window-Eyes to have the main window read after pressing enter when looking up a word. I also defined Alt-D to read that part of the window manually. It's been so long I forgot why. But I think it had to do with activating a word in any of the tabs of lists of related words, i.e. synonyms, antonyms, type of, etc.

Then the New Oxford American Dictionary works a little differently. Only the dictionary header comes up in the definition window and the actual definition is in an Internet Explorer window you have to tab to. It's just another child window of WordWeb, not an instance of IE itself. It's hard to explain. So here's the window layout and tab order from top to bottom.
1. Edit box to enter a word.
2. WordWeb definition window.
3. Tabs for WordWeb, NOAD, and word relations after a word has been entered.
4. Lists related to the above tabs.
5. IE window for NOAD. Note this window is full of contextual links which of course breaks the flow of reading.

And finally, you may want to see if the OED has a DVD version. But of course that crops up another accessibility question. They do have iOS and Android versions.


On 2/27/2017 6:21 AM, gosselin_louis via Talk wrote:
I'm sorry, but I don't recall CBFB.  What does that stand for, please, and
do you think they still have it?

Someone just recommended a product at Enable.mart, which I tried to check
out , but found very little info on the site about the product.  The price
was $42 something, which isn't bad at all, but I wouldn't pay that kind of
money only knowing that it offered the use of the defined word in a sentence
.  There wasn't even a statement about how many words were defined.  Again,
I really want something that shows parts of speech, syllabification,
etimology, usage notes, all the things you expect to find in a good, printed
dictionary.  I remember when I was a kid at Perkins, there were braille
dictionaries in the study halls which had 32 or 33 volumes, showing all of
those things; they exist somewhere, and in this electronic age I would
expect it should be possible to scan such braille pages to recreat the files
for those volumes and get them back in circulation.

Louis Gosselin

-----Original Message-----
From: Grant Metcalf []
Sent: Sunday, February 26, 2017 11:21 AM
To: gosselin_louis <>; Window-Eyes Discussion
List <>
Subject: Re: Looking for Accessible Dictionary

CBFB years ago produced the American Heritage Dictionary in computerized
I have found it very useful.


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