On Thu, 2007-12-20 at 13:41 +0100, Daniel Schmidt wrote:
> > access=public/private/permissive are all listed on Map_Features, it
> > isn't clear whether permissive should imply a P symbol or not. The
> > code needs to handle the other cases too.
> In my understanding, an example for a "permissive" car park would be a  
> supermarket car park. It's a private car park which is publicly  
> accessible and you don't have to ask anyone for permission to park.  
> But you are only allowed to use this car park while shopping in that  
> particular market. As the usage of this car park is somehow restricted  
> I wouldn't display a 'P' symbol.
> The only case where I would place this symbol is when you are allowed  
> to park your car and go whereever you want for a couple of hours.
> So:
> access=public => 'P'
> access=private => no 'P'
> access=permissive => no 'P'
> access=[anything else] => no 'P'
> no access => 'P' (as most of the current car parks in OSM are probably  
> public ones but don't have an "access" tag)

I've made the appropriate updates to the Mapnik osm2pgsql import code so
that it will only add the automatic 'P' symbol to a parking area if
there is no access= tag or if there is access=public. Any other
access=<something> tag will prevent a P being added. 

It will take a week or two before the effect of this change will appear
on the rendered maps.

In addition I've added the access= key to the list of columns exported
to the PostgreSQL database so we can add further map styles to
differentiate other objects with access=<something> on the map.


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