On Tue, Dec 18, 2007 at 08:07:44AM -0500, Milenko wrote:
> Agreed.  I think the current system works perfectly.  The area shows the 
> limits of the parking lot, and we can place the mode exactly where we want it 
> and not have to fiddle around and make sure the renderer gets the icon in an 
> appropriate spot.  Plus, we've all been doing it this way so it'll be extra 
> work to make sure you don't get two icons for every parking area.

I find the current system to be pretty dumb, when having already drawn
an area, why should we need to put in a node as well? Manual, repetive
work is what computers are good at and humans get sloppy doing.

Also, you already get duplicate icons in Mapnik, which does draw icons
on the areas, and as long as the situation is as it is today there is
no way to get a parking area to draw nicely in both renderers.

Why not go for the automated approach? If a shape proves to be hard to
handle for the renderer we can tune the algorithm and make it better
for all areas at once, instead of individual contributors having to
manually insert nodes which are nothing more than rendering hints.

Knut Arne Bjørndal
aka Bob Kåre

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