On Jan 22, 2008, at 13:07, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>> Nick Whitelegg wrote:
>> TBH I would be fairly dubious about tagging any non-waymarked
>> walks/cycle rides as routes, let alone ones of my own devising. This
>> is "interpretation" which should be kept out of the largely  
>> factual OSM.
> The data might not fit into the OSM but its still useful. Many  
> websites live from
> it, e.g. http://www.gps-tour.info/.
> IMO an easy way to maintain these routes would be to define special  
> tags to the
> OSM GPS traces database (http://openstreetmap.org/traces).
> E.g. in this case the tag could be 'recommended_walking_tour'.
> The trace should contain only the tour and nothing else in this case.
> A routing application that is aware of these tags could notify the  
> user
> about nearby recommended tours.

But for that purpose, people can use gps-tour.info, right? OSM would  
be interesting by allowing to present recommended walks, etc. as a  
sequence of OSM ways. But this data probably would better go into a  
separate database.

I'm sure there's an opportunity for a nice project here: A walks/ 
rides database that allows to construct such walks by selecting way  
segments. Perhaps you could also offer a program that approximates  
uploaded GPX tracks using existing ways, and offer the ability to  
upload missing ways (or refer to OSM for the last part).

I've also been thinking TrailRunner (even better: a free alternative)  
should allow creating routes from OSM vector data.


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