Steven te Brinke schrieb:
> As a sailor I like to know if a bridge is a moveable one, and I think 
> this is also interesting for cars, because they might need to wait. So I 
> agree that bridge=true is not enough, I would like to be able to have a 
> bridge=moveable.

You probably don't want to know whether a bridge is movable but whether 
it is high enough for your boat:


To provide details for movable bridges, relations could be used:

member=<way xyz>
type=propset            # marks a group of properties
propset_type=temporary  # temporary change
max_height=0            # unlimited
time_on=09:00           # the proerties can only be made available
time_off=18:00          # during these opening hours

The having-to-wait property can simply be tagged as traffic_lights.


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