Claus Färber wrote:
> Steven te Brinke schrieb:
>> As a sailor I like to know if a bridge is a moveable one, and I think 
>> this is also interesting for cars, because they might need to wait. So I 
>> agree that bridge=true is not enough, I would like to be able to have a 
>> bridge=moveable.
> You probably don't want to know whether a bridge is movable but whether 
> it is high enough for your boat:
> To provide details for movable bridges, relations could be used:
> The having-to-wait property can simply be tagged as traffic_lights.

I disagree.  As a driver, I would like to know that a bridge is movable, 
and specifically during which period it is likely to move, so that I can 
tell my routing application to avoid those bridges like the plague 
during those hours.  The "traffic light" property just isn't good 
enough, however, even just "bridge=movable" would be.

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