On 23/02/2008 21:29, Andy Robinson wrote:
> If I create a parking area I really don't want to have to place a node
> as well so it would be better if the renderer's were clever and
> ignored any node thats within the area where it has the same tags (eg
> parking / name). 

Nor do I, but that wasn't the case until this week, so there are many, 
many examples where it has been done manually, that will be a severe 
pain and many hours of work to fix.

If the comments about MapNik are right - that is it only puts a node if 
there isn't one already, that's perfectly OK. But if Osmarender can't do 
that, there's a serious problem about making a non-upward-compatible 
change like this.

> The same arguments apply to most areas. I have similar issues with
> schools for instance where the school icon is rendered for a node but
> not for an area.

I have put the school node at the place where the main part of the 
school is, which is rarely anywhere the centree of extensive school grounds.

Same comment applies - if it can be done so that a manual node takes 
precedence, fine, if not I think it is a retrograde step, and in this 
case will take even longer to fix.


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