On 23/02/2008 22:04, Sven Grüner wrote:
> David Earl schrieb:
>> On 23/02/2008 21:29, Andy Robinson wrote:
>>> If I create a parking area I really don't want to have to place a node
>>> as well so it would be better if the renderer's were clever and
>>> ignored any node thats within the area where it has the same tags (eg
>>> parking / name). 
>> Nor do I, but that wasn't the case until this week, so there are many, 
>> many examples where it has been done manually, that will be a severe 
>> pain and many hours of work to fix.
> Vice versa. There are also many, many examples of correct tagging
> without additional node. 

But at least that doesn't screw up the output.

> Adding some crude osmarender-tag to them will
> also take many hours of work.


That's why I think it needs the Mapnik approach in Osmarender, if this 
detection is indeed what Mapnik is doing.

> But the people who placed nodes inside areas, because they wanted to see
> a shiny icon in the map did so in contradiction to the rule not to map
> for the renderers.

Again, I agree in principle, But that was how most people did parking 
areas when I started.

So we have a situation where a non-upward-compatible change has been 
introduced without a conversion from the old system to the new one.

Being on a high horse about how it *should* have been done doesn't 
affect that fact that there is a ghastly mess for historical reasons 
that needs to be cleared up.

We could make it upward compatible by doing what Mapnik does, but I 
suspect that is hard for osmarender.


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