On Tue, Mar 4, 2008 at 5:16 PM, Pieren Pieren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> wow, I'm surprised about the hostility of some answers. I mean, remember me
> the name of this ML...
> So, lets continue the "talk" (and not the fight):
> > if you are already speeding 15 mph over the speedlimit in
> > your car, you would think it's a good idea to go even faster ?
> no, but to drive a car, you need a license. And to get the license, you're
> educated by someone explaining you what you are allowed to do and what not.
> Because osm doesn't require a license (not yet), the amount of wrong data
> will increase with the amount of contributors.

I don't think anyone is disagreeing that more examples and better
tagging help would be good.

Just that that's not a good reason or excuse to add rubbish to the
map, and that you should find another way, a number of which have been

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