On Thu, Apr 10, 2008 at 11:05 AM, Hakan Tandogan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  I don't doubt your reasoning that borders would be far better than is_in,
>  but sometimes you have to resort to "kludges" to get something off the
>  ground *today*


>  instead of some at future date when we have perfect data

Who says it needs to be perfect? Boundaries could have
status=rough_and_ready so that you can say "this is more or less the
village for is_in types of things" without committing yourself to
finding out the actual legal boundaries. When someone has more
accurate data they can fix things up a bit - surely this is one of the
OSM principles?

By the time you've added more than three or four places in a village
to an is_in hierarchy you could have just drawn the rough area
instead, and it would be far more useful - the fifth, sixth and
fifty-seventh items in that rough area wouldn't need any is_in tags at


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