On Friday 18 April 2008 19:25:37 Peter Miller wrote:
> I hope I didn't come across as aggressive, but I did want to point out some
> really weird inconsistencies that do need to be resolved and wanted to
> encourage debate. In the UK a secondary roads is a minor road, in San
> Francisco this
> <http://maps.yahoo.com/#mvt=s&lat=37.668663&lon=-122.485307&zoom=18>
> junction (a multilevel road with multiple flyovers) is classed as secondary
> whereas this
> <http://maps.yahoo.com/#mvt=s&lat=37.428439&lon=-121.909597&zoom=19>  one
> (an urban road with traffic signal controlled junctions) is classed as
> primary.
> I suspect that fact reason that the first is classed as secondary is
> because the mapper wanted an orange road and that it should really be a
> 'trunk' road.
> I really don't mind what the rendered colours are, that is for local
> discussion and there may even be multiple versions with different styles as
> far as I am concernedm, but currently the rendering is uk-centric and that
> seems inappropriate for the USA and seems to be causing distortions with
> tagging.

I think most people agree with that, but as said, there's a technological 
barrier to overcome.

> I do think that the hierarchy of road classes needs to be respected across
> OSM (where a trunk road is more important than primary road than secondary
> road etc) allowing a routing engine to direct drivers worldwide onto the
> main routes (and also possibly keep pedestrians and cyclists off them). I
> do think that the '_link' element needs to be used to help sat-nav systems
> give meaningful instructions and not give out information about turning
> onto link roads when it should say 'turn onto Highway 101'. I do think the
> description of the highway road classes in Map Features needs to be
> internationalised to allow people in new countries to chose the right
> mapping to their own infrastructure and naming and colour conventions.

It already is. See 
for the current definitions.

Matt Williams

> Personally I hope that San Francisco will prove a useful test case where
> many of the outstanding internationalisation issues can be bottomed out
> before there before large scale tagging across many other parts of the
> country.
> Currently everything except interstate is tagged as 'residential'. If it
> was agreed that state highways should be 'trunk' roads then would it be
> sensible to design a 'bot' to scan un-touched tiger data for road names
> including the word 'state' but not the word 'interstate' and automatically
> update the tags from 'highway=residential' to 'highway=trunk' (or whatever
> is agreed).

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