Robert (Jamie) Munro schreef:
> Hash: SHA1
> Tom Hughes wrote:
> | In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> |         Peter Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> |> If we can agree on the rendering rules and get both Mapnik and osmarender
> |> sorted out for the USA then people will be incentivised to tag
> |> appropriately. The moto 'render and they will come' probably applies
> here as
> |> elsewhere.
> |
> | Agreeing on the rules or colour schemes is not the problem.
> |
> | The problem is that we do not have the technology to render different
> | countries in different ways. I don't believe we even know of an efficient
> | way to do it, so we don't even know what the technology would look like
> | should somebody want to write it.
> I don't think this is a problem we shuold be trying to solve. We should
> be solving the problem of the tile server only producing 1 rendering.
> When I look at the USA, I want interstates to be blue. When an American
> looks at the UK, they want to see motorways to be a colour other than
> blue, because then they will understand instinctively what kind of road
> it is. This should be one of the major benefits of OSM over other maps.
> When someone from a USA IP address opens the map, they should see the
> USA style tiles by default, but have the UK tiles on the layer switcher.
That would indeed make a lot of sense. Otherwise you will get odd 
results of roads changing style near the borders. So a separate tile 
server for the US is called for. Probably one for France as well with 
styles that look like Michelin's maps and maybe one for Germany (Are 
Germans used to Kummerley und Frey?)


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