On Thu, Apr 24, 2008 at 9:02 AM, Steve Hill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  There are established conventions for both flat tagging schemes and
> namespacing - see the likes of the piste proposal, the lighthouses proposal,
> etc.

Namespacing every tag is not an established convention, no matter how
much you wish it was. Compare the number of namespaced tags in the
planet file to those without. Compare the number of people using
namespaced tags with those who aren't.

> > Otherwise it's just change for change's own sake, and that's a waste of
> time.
> >
>  Nothing is being changed - these are tags which didn't previously exist.

That's being disingenuous, and you know it. You are trying to change
one of the single biggest conventions in OSM.

Anyway, enough from me. I hope others here can help explain.


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