On Wed, 23 Apr 2008, Andy Allan wrote:

> You are clearly unwilling to consider the downsides of your
> namespacing proposals, beyond pure technical matters

I am trying to think about all aspects of the proposals.  However, so far 
the only argument against them seems to be that namespaced tag names are 
"difficult" for people to use.  This is something I truely can't 
understand - I would think that anyone would find more meaningful and 
non-conflicting tag names to be easier, not more difficult to use.

It is possible that none of us are the people to work out what is actually 
easier for contributors - the newcomers (possibly the less technical ones) 
are the people to ask.  Unfortunately I can't think of a good way of 
polling them for an opinion since it is generally the more seasonned 
people who hang out on mailing lists to discuss this stuff. :)

> Perhaps one day I'll meet you over a drink and we might be
> able to get somewhere!

It is always possible. :)

> In the meantime, I'd ask you to respect the views of the other people
> that have contributed to the discussion, especially when providing
> tagging guidelines/proposals on the wiki.

I certainly respect all the views which have been voiced in the 
discussion.  However, given views on both sides I don't think there is a 
clear winner so I see no immediate reason to change the proposal 
(especially since the people arguing against the current proposal are 
probably not the people who will be contributing and using this data).

As always, things on OpenStreetMap are fluid and the proposal can be 
adjusted at a future date in light of new requirements / opinions / 
experience.  I am fairly sure that as support for relations becomes 
better in the editors, the way data is tagged will change dramatically 

  - Steve
    xmpp:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   sip:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.nexusuk.org/

      Servatis a periculum, servatis a maleficum - Whisper, Evanescence

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