On Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 7:33 PM, Chris Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  On 23 Apr 2008, at 16:07, Andy Allan wrote:
>  > I can say from my experience of teaching IT concepts to very smart
>  > people (i.e. until recently I was an IT support manager at a large
>  > uni) that this namespacing stuff is a step too far for most people. My
>  > experience introducing other people to OSM would back that up.
>  >
>  > We know that simple tagging makes sense to many people. We know that
>  > namespacing makes sense to everyone in this discussion, and that many
>  > people who understand it *still* disagree with its blanket use in OSM.
>  The issue is complexity?
>  So what's wrong with using name spacing and just don't tell people...
>  as far as they know its tagging with a : in. The folks that care
>  about such things will know and everyone else is blissfully unaware.
>  Sure your tags get a little longer, but the two main editors can auto-
>  complete such things
>  I doubt it makes much difference to average Jo Mapper if you suggest
>  he tags stuff as
>  foo=bar
>  bar=value
>  or
>  foo:bar=value
>  Just my 2p...

This is very true. The information content is the same. Ofcourse what
you've just done there is reinvent the key-value concept by using a
separator character and added this to your key.
So the question I have to ask is this: why?

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