Karl Newman wrote:
> The other problem is that shortening rules which work for one street 
> (or region) won't necessarily work in another. As "wer-ist-roger" 
> mentioned, Straße could be shortened to Str., which might be okay in 
> some areas (or for certain streets) but not for others. Without a 
> hint, the renderers (or other data consumers) won't know if a given 
> shortening rule is okay to apply.
Yes, and the problem is that the "name" tag does not specify the 
language. So if the renderer is relying on the "name" tag (as opposed to 
, it doesn't really know which abbreviations to use in the lookup table. 
See http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/index.php/Bilingual_street_names for 
more on this.
Other than that I agree that the renderer should be responsible for such 
things, although I'm sure that hinting with tags will sometimes be 
I'll try to implement this shortening in Kosmos (probably using the Name 
finder:Abbreviations page as the lookup table).



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