I don't mind being someone who disagrees :-;

Adding phone numbers seems like a good thing to do to me.  It's not like a 
closed system where changes are very difficult - if the number's wrong change 
it.  Having the phone number of a hotel, restaurant, theatre, sport centre or 
any other business that takes bookings or reservations would be a great thing 
to have especially on the move.  The URI is good too, but the phone number is 
still more useful for more people.

 cheers, Chris

----- Original Message ----
> Cc: talk@openstreetmap.org
> Sent: Wednesday, 20 August, 2008 4:08:38 PM
> Subject: Re: [OSM-talk] Phone numbers in OSM
> > I am definitively against phone numbers in OSM. On many communities on the
> > internet
> > publishing phone numbers and email adresses is not welcome because wrong
> > numbers can't be found easily and people suffering from such phone calls
> > will
> > be really annoyed.
> I hate to be the one to disagree, but (obviously) I think that there
> should be the ability to add phone numbers to the database and transfer
> these to PIO on a GPS map.
> The reason being is that I'm working hard on getting a 'tourist town' in
> the Canadian Rockies mapped out, part of the project is to produce a
> downloadable GPS map which 'we' could offer for free to the various
> visitors.
> The 'find' function on the garmins works really well, for example to look
> up resturants or accomodations in the area. Adding a contact phone number
> would enable visitors to quickly make a reservation/etc.
> I would agree that phone numbers are really only useful from a business
> point of view and great care should be taken to ensure that they are
> correct.
> Cheers,
> Mungewell.
> PS. If you'd like to visit, we're having a mapping party this coming
> Saturday.
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/index.php/Canada:Alberta:Crowsnest_Pass#Mapping_Party_-_23rd_August_2008
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