> iirc, the problem was caused by non-standard (but 'simpler') 
> behaviour of e-mail clients/mailing lists, and people 
> becoming accustomed to that behaviour rather than the 
> standard way of doing things. i imagine microsoft were 
> involved somewhere, but others are probably as bad.
> now some mailing lists are set up to do things the 'standard' 
> way, and some to do things the 'expected' way, so there is a 
> perception that some are doing something stupid
> there are many things wrong with the world

... But some we can fix, some we cannot. :)

Outlook 2003 behaves by putting in sender's email address when you hit
Reply, and putting both in when you hit reply-all. This is, for me, expected
behaviour, insofar as the client is following instructions as the mailing
list presents a message being sent by (in your case)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of robin paulson

Just about all other mailing lists I'm on behave by putting in the main
submission address into the To box when I hit reply. I'm on other Mailman
lists where they behave perfectly as you'd expect. This mailing list, be it
'correct' in its configuration or not, still doesn't behave /logically/ -
and that to me is a usability problem which could (I guess) be comparatively
easily solved.

(I have little experience of other mail clients, particularly outside of the
win32 sphere - do other mail clients behave differently (and 'correctly' as
I would describe it, when you hit reply on this list?)


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