Oh please, I wasn't talking about language.

Lars Aronsson wrote:
> Lambertus wrote:
>> Here the dogma 'Don't change the tagging just to get it 
>> rendered' applies :-)
> That is an absurd proposition.  It could lead us to label them as 
> "vägklassning=riksväg ; vägbredd=9 meter ; hastighet=90 km/h" and 
> we should just ignore the fact that the map of Sweden doesn't get 
> rendered at all.  I feel like I have been far too pragmatic in my 
> first three years of OpenStreetMap.
>> I think it would be better to judge the roads on what their 
>> function is and try to correlate those roads to the map features 
>> page by their description.
> It's all very easy.  The function is "riksväg".
>> But this may well be that perhaps some ways in Sweden have to be 
>> reclassified to trunk or that some ways in Norway /Finland 
>> should be classified primary, I don't know that.
>> There is ofcourse also the chance that Sweden just does not have 
>> a road type that fits the trunk type between motorway and 
>> primary, however from what I read in other mails it appears that 
>> cyclists are allowed on most trunk roads in GB.
> There are non-motorway roads where tractors and bicycles are 
> disallowed.  These are called "motortrafikled" (and "2+1 väg") but 
> they are not very common in Sweden.  And I don't know if this road 
> type is ever indicated on printed maps.

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