Christoph Böhme wrote:
> The other solutions made so far essentially suggest to add a negative
> image of the world to the database: Not only saying what is there but
> also what is not. Consequently this would mean to tag streets not
> only with the features they have but also with oneway:absent="yes",
> cyclelane:absent="yes" and so on to indicate that someone has checked
> that a feature is definitely not there. 

That just doesn't follow at all.

You are claiming that having a tag for "no name" is a slippery slope
which leads to a tag for "no special lane for tractors" or whatever. Why
should that be? I don't think the slope is slippery at all.

Names are unusual in this regard because there are certain classes of
things which one expects to have them (such as roads) and, because of
our mapping techniques using satellite tracing, there are often cases
where roads are in but the names are not. Therefore, distinguishing
between "definitely no name" and "name not discovered yet" is
particularly important as a step towards completing the map without
different people repeatedly visiting roads which turn out to definitely
have no name.

So having a "noname=yes" (or whatever - the syntax is unimportant for
this discussion) absolutely does not mean you need a "nopostbox=yes" or
a "notractorlane=yes" tag.


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