On Sat, Oct 4, 2008 at 6:34 AM, Dave Stubbs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> >
> > I think my idea deals with non-obvious vandalism very well.
> > A user of the data can choose to use data that has only certain
> > tags by certain groups or individuals and therefore have an idea of how
> > accurate that data might be.
> >
> Yes, but in a world of 65000 users you're left with a lot less data.
> It may be enough for your purpose in which case that's great. For
> smaller areas it probably works quite well, but I'm fairly sure it'll
> hit a scalability problem. With OSM as a whole we rely on there being
> more good guys than bad guys, and that's generally worked so far, but
> you do have that instability problem in that it can take a while for
> errors to be detected and corrected.
> The subtle vandalism is hard to spot because it looks genuine. You
> only determine it isn't genuine with local knowledge or on the ground
> observations. That means you can't trust anything until it's been
> checked out by a trusted member and the more people you bring in as
> members to hit your coverage goals, the more chance you get
> compromised and start letting in lower quality data.
> How much of this is actually a problem depends a lot on what you are
> actually trying to achieve.
> Dave

I think my idea would scale quite well. The key is that it's very flexible.
If you and a few friends are interested in post box locations then you can
tag areas as having correct post box data.

I come along and add another post box. Until someone in the London Post Box
group tags it as accurate then the box I added would not have the tag and I
choose to only look at post box data approved by the group or not.

We could then form another group; World Postal United. World Postal United
would select the
best groups based on reputation and give data tagged by those groups the
World Postal United tag.

Now if the London Postal Experts group started to get a better reputation
then the Postal United
might start giving approval to London Postal Experts instead of London Post
Box Fanatics.

Would I download all the data and sort on my PC or would I selectively
download data?
I'm not sure what would be best.

Here in Korea I might tag areas as having accurate or semi-accurate street

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