On Fri, Oct 24, 2008 at 4:12 PM, Ed Loach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Andy wrote:
>> And even with typos, there's been a number of discussions as to
>> why
>> automatically converting e.g. hgihway isn't necessarily a good
>> idea -
>> almost all of those that I've found there's another way
>> correctly
>> tagged close beside it. So fixing the typo in these cases is
>> actually
>> not appropriate - what's appropriate is to remove the mistagged
>> way.
> I also think that it is a very questionable practice to automate
> "tidying" of tags. But in the above example, it may lead to the
> duplicated way being noticed more quickly, if it suddenly gets
> rendered. Otherwise it relies on someone editing that area and
> noticing it, or patrolling tagwatch and manually investigating. I
> think obvious spelling mistakes like this do lend themselves to
> correction.

They certainly lend themselves to it. That's not to say it's a good idea.
The vast majority of these things could be done instead with a much
less intrusive auto bug-notification-system. ie:  a big list somewhere
telling you of all the higways; then someone can actually go and check
to see whether there is another highway there, or if things aren't
connected properly, or whether someone has attached a "note=this
really is a way for Higs and not a misspelled highway" tag.


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