
I'm the creator/administrator/grand-gourou of OSB, and I'm always aware 
of this mailing-list :-)


David :
> As the comments are all anonymous, I wonder whether there could be a 
> third mode which is "reviewed but not changed" which stays on the
> map.

That may be a good idea...
A new step ?
  1. "bug to see" (the actual non-closed state)
  2. "reviewed bug"/"parked" (discussed, strange, etc.)
  3. "closed"

What do you think ?

> Norbert:
>> I would think that adding the data layer to OSB would help very
>> much on that issue.
David :
> I think this would be confusing for non mappers for whom this tool is
> primarily intended.

I do not know if it's easy to add this strange layer.
I have no objection because :
  - you think it's useful for your use
  - 95% of the newbies don't try other layers
  - it could be a first approach for them to see THE data

Frederik :
> The OpenStreetBugs source code is not published. Your only way to 
> improve OpenStreetBugs in any way is to politely ask the author to do
> something for you. No SVN or something.

You're half right.
The server side code has never been published.
The client side code is pure Javascript/Ajax... so you can easily view it.

Frederik :
> The data collected by OpenStreetBugs is available exclusively through
> the OpenStreetBugs service.
Matthias :
> and it should have an API to enable editors to get to the data.

There is an embryon of an API.
Regularly, some people ask me for an API. I give it to them with pleasure.
Some external services already use it :
Maybe other ones.

There is no published API documentation because :
  - the API is not clean
  - I fear it's showing the big hole to spamers (if a spamer want to 
spam OSB, he always will find the hole... but the later the better)

Frederik :
> No regular "planet dumps", nothing.

I made one, one day. See there :

And Gary68 does some tiny dumps regularly :

> Frederik :
>> A daily dump of the database content in any format would probably
>> be sufficient for now.
David :
> There is an RSS feed from OpenStreetBugs which is, in effect, a
> regular localised dump. It's what you need if you're mentoring a
> particular area.

David, I think it's just a question of psychology.
People (and Frederik in this case) would be reassured if the data is 
available. Not that they would use it, but it would just be more 
comfortable to know that, in any case, the data is still available.

Regular "planet dumps" are easy to do but require some warning.
If someone wants to make one big regular dump on its server, I'll be 
glad to give him the instructions.

I can not do it on the server of OSB because :
  - no cron available
  - no access to the file system
  - files should not be more than 1Mb

Hakan :
> Where is that RSS feed links? I can't find anything in the "links"
> page or on the main page of www.openstreetbugs.org

To be kind with the database, you can only get the data of a small area. 
The RSS link will appear at the bottom right if you zoom an area.

If you want a global survey of OSB, you can go there :
This is not useful at all... just funny...

Frederik :
> If the author gets run over by a bus tomorrow then we have nothing
> left.

I'm less important than data. :-)
But you are right. This is a problem.

Frederik :
> If the above is true then I'm all for implementing our own, open 
> version of OpenStreetBugs, instead of further popularizing the 
> existing application.

Or you should ask the author to publish his code. :-)

I've been conservative at the beginning because :
  - I feared that some script kiddies would make duplicated OSBs and 
duplicated content.
  - I feared that everybody would not agree with the simplicity of OSB 
(this extreme simplicity is its strong in my opinion)

Now it is well known. I'm okay to publish the sources.
  - the server side is quite special (GoogleAppEngine/BigTable)
  - the client side is ugly and some would want to rewrite it from the start
  - I'm not certain it would be beneficial for the simplicity of OSB

If someone has some advices in terms of open-source project management, 
contact me.

Matthias :
> Or even an OSB layer on the main map?

That's a good idea.
This can be done by anybody :
  - the javascript client is public
  - the server side is accessible via an API

Kyle :
> As far as I can see, OSB is aimed at regular users who are not
> terribly interested in contributing, but would happily click a button
> _or two_ to report an error.

That's exactly my point of view !
Keep It Simple.
Or use Potlatch.

RalfZ :
> People typically write posts on the mailing lists when things don't 
> work. I want to tell you that I think OpenStreetBugs works nicely in 
> the area of Munich, Germany.

Thanks :-)
Germany is very active on OSB. Because of the high density of 
contributors, neighborhood's contributors are discussing through the 
bugs. I find it fun and grateful !

Sorry for the engrish.
This is a big email and I don't have the energy to reread it :-)


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