E6 and E105 in Northern Norway has also got some nodes i Portugal now.
So, the the fix is still not complete.

2008/11/25 Dave Stubbs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> 2008/11/25 Dave Stubbs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> 2008/11/25 Peter Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>> I have just uploaded an image of Europe which shows that the main data
>>> problem emanates from London although there also seems to be a problem from
>>> Holland to the same point on the Portuguese coast?
>>> http://www.flickr.com/photos/peterito/3058044385/
>> A user in Portugal has somehow managed to appropriate numerous node IDs.
>> He's effectively moved them from where ever they were, to Portugal.
>> I've contacted him to ask how it might have happened.
>> He seems to have been using merkaartor, but whether it has anything to
>> do with it, I don't know.
>> I'm working on a revert script to tidy this up.
>> Dave
> This should now be fixed. I reverted 420 nodes back to their London locations.
> Moral of the story is this:
> Never find a random .osm file, edit some nodes in it, then upload the
> changes to the OSM server.
> A mess you will cause. :-)
> Dave
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