2008/12/10 Peter Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Would it be worth adding a wikipedia link to the way in question. I have
> used 'wikipedia=xxx' tagging for features with wikipedia article before but
> have now noticed that this tag hasn't made its way into map features. It
> would however be good not to loose this valuable explanation for a strange
> feature that others might remove or just puzzle over.

Good Idea, I'll see if I can add an explanatory tag to this zone. By
the way, the coordinates for the zone are public and may e.g. be found
here: http://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gråsonen (in nrwegian). I guess you
will find the original treaty in untreaty.un.org somewhere.

Bernt Marius Johnsen
"Melius vivit qui remigat"

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