On Tue, December 16, 2008 11:36, Gert Gremmen wrote:
> Most of the silly edits, things like self crossing roads,
> star formed roundabouts, forest areas crossing waters
> and worse are 99% caused by potlatch editors.

Aaahhh... gratuitous statistics. Got to love those.

In order for me to stick to one side of the fight (disable Potlach or
not), I'd like to know just one number:

* The proportion of useful edits versus stupid edits made in potlach.

Please, *please* show us that number. If it's lower than 1, that means
that Potlach is not beneficial to OSM altogether and I (and presumably,
lots of other people) will plead to nuke Potlach from orbit.

Until that number is known, I'll assume that there are more useful edits
than stupid edits, and so, Potlach is beneficial to OSM as a whole.

You are most welcome to back up your argument.

Iván Sánchez Ortega <i...@sanchezortega.es>

Un ordenador no es un televisor ni un microondas, es una herramienta

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