On 13 Jan 2009, at 15:30, Tim Berners-Lee wrote:


Yes, my first post. But just me as a map and outdoors enthusiast. Not representing W3C.
No subtext to my post.  Just asking for  tag.


(Now landuse=conservation is in mapnik and osmarender, I am more confident we are making progress on this, and will be able to motivate people to maintain maps of conservation land.)

This raises a question I have about overloading of tags (if that is the right term for this). I notice that a nature-reserve is categorised under leisure, which seems weird. It is not really there as a leisure facility and some nature-reserves are not open to the public and are therefore not leisure facilities. If it was in natural though then it would clash with conservation and with heath etc. So how do we manage a piece of conservation land, that is also heath and a nature-reserve. Currently unless we deploy the dreaded ';' or we have ways on top of ways we can't currently do it.

That said, I'm happy to separately talk mapping the OSM to the semantic web, OSM and W3C in in a subject line.

I think it might be worth looking at this. It all feels a bit like the early days of javascript where many small decisions were made very fast and we have been living with the consequences ever since. That is not a criticism of where we are, OSM would not be the success it is without all those decisions having been made fast, it is only an observation that a review at this point might pay big dividends in the future. I will pick the issue up on the other thread.



On 2009-01 -09, at 19:01, Peter Miller wrote:

On 9 Jan 2009, at 15:46, Tim Berners-Lee wrote:

I'd like to propose a tag for conservation land - land protected from development. There was no alternative for tis tag in the thousands of areas which CRSchmidt imported recently from the Mass GIS database of open space in Massachusetts.

Details below and on the wiki at:


Tim Berners-Lee

Tim, if this is your first post can I first say welcome from all of us, if not then I should go an read you previous posts and give my apologies for missing them so far. It is great to have input and that that of W3. I know that you are personally keen on a free geographic web to support a semantic web and that is of course what OSM is busy collecting. If the subtext of your post is that W3 is interested in OSM and the standards behind it then we are all ears. Personally I think 2009 will be a breakthrough year for the project and we are going to need all the help we can get to deal with the expectations that will be raised.


Peter Miller

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