2009/1/14 Richard Fairhurst <rich...@systemed.net>:
> Gervase Markham wrote:
>> Who runs the NPE maps server? Nick Black? Another Nick?
> nick.dev.openstreetmap.org is Nick Whitelegg, I think.
> For NPE, however, JOSM should ideally use the 900913 tiles at
> npe.openstreetmap.org, which are better rectified. Thomas, you were working
> on a way for JOSM to access these, right?
> cheers
> Richard

Yes, but since I'm completely new to Java, work was slow. I had tried
both a special NPE version of the Yahoo part of the wmsplugin (as I'm
more familiar with webmapping apis), but when that failed, I moved to
trying to make the slippymap plugin show zoom levels other than 12. My
efforts on this (and all other bits of my OSM work) are postponed for
a while for exams.

Thomas Wood

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