On Tue, Jan 20, 2009 at 12:46:27AM +0100, Pieren wrote:
> I'm pleased to announce that the french Minister of the Economy, and
> its department DGFiP in charge of the french cadastre and its
> vectorization has accepted our request to access their WMS for
> OpenStreetMap.
> The reuse of the french cadastre (the land registry with all parcels,
> streets, roads, names, building feet, all at a very accurate
> resolution - less than a meter) is allowed for all derivated work and
> the french authorities agree that contributions based on the cadastre
> for OSM are legal (with the condition to provide the source).
> Although only about half of the communes are vectorized today, it will
> be a great and unique source of accurate geodata for OSM in France.
> Also many thanks to Denis Helfer who contacted the Ministery of the
> Economy in the name of the OSM community.

This is phantastic! Is this access only to the WMS, so do we need to
manually copy the data out or do we also get access to the underlying
vector data?

Is there a plan on how the integration should happen? Do you have an URL
for a WMS server?

Can you give us more details on how this agreement was reached, what the
motivation of the Ministry was etc.? This could be great precedent for
other European countries!

Jochen Topf  joc...@remote.org  http://www.remote.org/jochen/  +49-721-388298

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