On 20 Jan 2009, at 12:38, Norbert Wenzel wrote:

> Dirk-Lüder Kreie wrote:
>> Steven Le Roux schrieb:
>>> In adequation, I'm proud too to announe that my french city : Brest
>>> area, offer vectorals datas.
>>> Here is a preview : http://galerie.le-roux.info/main.php?g2_itemId=5378
>> Apparently the German newssite heise.de picked up the story[1] and
>> thousands klick through on the preview URL.
> I'd be curious to see the (anonym) logs or some statistics in a few  
> days. The story has been published around 13.00 CET, so the peak  
> should be clearly visible.

You can see the load on the servers by looking at:


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