Le 28 janv. 09 à 17:18, Jürgen Reimann a écrit :

> That's really ridiculous - the same situation appeared while I was
> mapping Sousse/Tunisia - the complete Google-information looked like:
> Let's draw something that looks like some streets that meet in one  
> point
> (hopefully the center of a city) but there's no time to care for
> reality. Strange!
> Regards, Jürgen.

Makes sense to me.
I mean, I'd be trying to sell google data of remote locations, I could  
draw some random stuff and say: "hey we're 90% complete!" (cheap and  
almost risk-free) or I could actually survey the area: not as cheap.  
Or I could say I don't have the data (cheap but it hurts my ability to  
sell them). I almost forgot a fourth possibility though. The company  
bought some official data. Guess who's got a lazy state worker on  
their hands? Brazilian authorities! :)

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