> ... But, are there any
> elements in their user interface that are nice to have (if they work
> right)?

I didn't get that far, to be honest.

If it helps, the things that I found confusing about Potlatch 6 months 
or so ago were the same things that have been discussed here before - 
"where's the "save" button" and "what do those icons without any text 
next to them on screen do"?  That was the point that following the link 
labelled "help" seemed to be a really good idea...

One thing that might be useful would be some sort of "My OSM" or a 
"saved play mode" feature* - add stuff in a basic editor, but don't 
commit it to be part of the main map until you're happy that you haven't 
messed something up.  That way someone needn't be scared of accidentally 
deleting stuff by pressing the wrong button.  A combination of finger 
trouble at my end and slow response from the server once caused me to 
delete most of the A9 in Scotland once - luckily I found "undo" before 
anyone fell into the sea, but it could have been embarrassing.

I can imagine how something like Google Mapmaker might be useful for 
tracing stuff from Google "satellite" photos.  The OSM equivalent I 
suppose would be tracing from Yahoo aerial photos, but at least where I 
live that's only useful for the largest features (woods, mainly). 
NPE's useful up to a point, but locally colliery closures, railway 
removals, opencast mining and new industrial estates means that it's 
just another historical document. So, to a lesser extent, is the local 
OS Explorer map - that has a few large areas of blank space on it where 
a former colliery site has been opencasted or land restored.  Mind you, 
it was the fact that OS maps weren't reliable locally that lead me to 
store stuff as GPS POIs, which turn lead to OSM.

*No, I've no idea how to implement this either.

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