> My second question goes to those who live in the various countries
> that aren't bankrupt... oh I mean those that aren't in the UK. How is
> the community there? Is it bad? Is it good? How can we help. What are

Just to give you an idea of how crazy the world economy has become : Not too
far from where I live we have holes in the ground, were we used to dig up
some yellow and gray stuff and sell it to you. Lately you're not interested
in the gray stuff [2] (Is the color wrong ?). And you're paying us extra
just to put the yellow stuff  back into another hole in the ground. [1]

As for the community : Ed has finally caught up with us [3].

[1] http://www.busrep.co.za/index.php?fSectionId=563&fArticleId=4849212
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