On 5 Mar 2009, at 02:13, Edoardo 'Yossef' Marascalchi wrote:

> SteveC wrote:
>> are opinions beyond.... we will all be better. Really. All of you who
>> have IM'd me or emailed with your kind words, jump in here and keep  
>> at
>> it. We'll build a better world with unicorns and water that runs  
>> uphill.
> I replied you privately just because I used a style I usually don't
> use.. but.. i  want to thank you for your email here again! :D
> I liked your email, the coders-lawyers parallel and the general  
> message
> it sent.
>> My second question goes to those who live in the various countries
>> that aren't bankrupt... oh I mean those that aren't in the UK. How is
>> the community there? Is it bad? Is it good? How can we help. What are
>> *you* doing to help? Are you stirring dissent? Are you trying to  
>> build
>> a consensus? Do you think you're cool enough to fork or do you want  
>> to
>> build something better? Because we love you. You are bridging a  
>> divide
>> between the foundation, the evil british empire, and all those poor
>> non-english speaking souls. Really, you do a lot of work to
>> communicate between lists what's going on and if you only report the
>> bad stuff then you're responsible for it.. But I don't think you are,
>> are you? Because it's much better if we build a consensus and a happy
>> coexistence of friends toward a free, open, libre, stunning,
>> beautiful, fantastic map of the world.
> You know, we (as italian) are a little bit melodrammatic :D
> We thought some "evil" derive was  acting in the licence writing but i
> read the draft and i don't found any evillness (as INAL).
> So, now  I will try to do know is to ask italian OSM community to read
> and comment the draft...

Great. Are you doing much translation back and forth?



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