sorry, I have been of for some days..

> What Pierre-André has suggested though, seems to be different to "name"
> in that rather than having name:local contain the name, what he's
> actually suggesting is that the value of name:local refers to the local
> language, perhaps better named as name:local_lang, so that for Germany
> there would be, for example, the following tags...
> place=country
> name:de=Deutschland
> name:en=Germany
> name:fr=Allemagne
> name:ja=ドイツ
> name:th=ประเทศเยอรมนี
> name:zh=德国
> name:local=de
> Many things actually have names in more than one language on the map...
> Country names, city names, and in some parts of the world, virtually
> every named object have multiple language names...

Thanks, you explain it better than me. I agree with you proposition
name:local_lang would be better suited.

How could we push this proposition further? This is strictly spoken not
a new tag. Simply add a remark on the wiki-page or start a submission

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