On Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 10:46 PM, Russ Nelson <r...@cloudmade.com> wrote:
> On Mar 16, 2009, at 7:09 PM, Richard Fairhurst wrote:
>> People can then access it using exactly the same language/currency/
>> interface
>> that they're used to with OSM.
> This only works if Potlatch, JOSM, Merkaartor, Chris Schmidt's editor,
> and however many other editors that exist all add this URL to their
> editors.
> Can you see how this doesn't really work when there are twenty or
> thirty editors, and twenty or thirty external data sources?

potlatch, JOSM and merkaartor already support several external data
sources (yahoo! imagery, gpx points, WMS, etc...)

if your data source is useful to a significant number of people then
they (or you) will add support to the editors.

in my opinion your arguments for a unified interface to GIS data are
not compelling. on the other hand, i don't see any disadvantage to
adding DEC lands data to OSM. in the end it reduces to: do you want to
import and maintain this data, including the responsibility of
resolving mistakes and disputes with other community members, or would
you prefer to just debate the point endlessly on this list?



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