On Tue, 7 Apr 2009 marcus.wolsc...@googlemail.com wrote:

> You said you had these housenumber-data for the segments, not for the whole
> way, did you?
> Then there is no issue with curvy roads.


> Well, at least add your data to the way as canvec:housenr_left_start=
> and similar, so the data does not get lost.

The source dataset from the government isn't likely to go anywhere so 
I'm not too concerned about it getting lost.

>> If we want to use a Karlsruhe scheme then this will need a script similar
>> to
>> what the ump2osm  is doing, I think we are best waiting till someone
>> can do that with offsets and relations to the road (the complexity of the
>> script will probably be comparable to the ump2osm script).
> What language do you need it to be in?

So far the import scripts I've been using are in python.

> What data-model are you using for the osm-data
> (how can the scripe get the way?
> ...and the nodes for the way's waynodes?
> how can it output new osm-entities?
> how can it search an area if some osm-entities are already present?)

For the geobase roads I am using a program called RoadMatcher that is a 
plugin to JUMP for detecting roads in that are likely to already be in OSM. 
I then import the geobase roads  and tag each way with the uuid 
(geobae:uuid) that mostly identifies the source road segment. I exclude
the roads flaged as already being in OSM.

Once I have the road network dealt with I (or another eager volunteer) can 
create the address nodes+interpolation ways using some of the methods 
discussed on the thread.  Connecting the interpolation ways to the 
previously imported nodes with a realtion shouldn't be hard.  I know the 
uuid that the address applies to. I can get the way_id by searching a local 
copy of the OSM database for that geobase:uuid.  A script can then 
get/edit/upload the existing way though the API.

The script we are using for importing the base roadnetwork is available 

I am currently working on another script to fix some issues in the some of 
the roads imported so far (a bug prevented some intersections from sharing a 
node). This will use the local lookup, query ,edit technique I discussed 


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