On 13 May 2009, at 15:00, Rory McCann wrote:
> StreetView data would be awesome to have, since it would massivly
> increase the amount of information we could add. Footpaths,  
> speedlimits,
> number of lanes, etc etc, Theses are things you can't get from aerial
> imagery.

I imagine that even if Google "made available" the StreetView imagery  
or data through an API the license would still be relatively  
restrictive. Look at the license for the maps released from Google Map  
Maker for instance (non-commercial use only).

As such I think that it's still likely that many of us would want to  
create our own alternative.

Incidentally Ed Parsons has on numerous occasions and in various ways  
(I think twitter might be the only "in writing" way) said that it's  
probably ok to read road signs that can be seen from streetview  
imagery and things like that, so it may already be possible to do what  
we would like to be able to do for OSM.


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