On Wed, May 20, 2009 at 10:57:52PM +0100, Radomir Cernoch wrote:
> > 
> > The problem with the polygon is that you set a default without checking 
> > every
> > individual street.
> Yes, but there are other people as well. What if they add a new street
> to the area you have carefully checked and then forget to add the zone
> info.

Speedlimit is not like a missing name - Speed kills and we need to be pretty
shure its accurate - Better no speed information at all than a sever broken
one. I dont care if the name is missing but i care whether the speed is
correct. I'd want my navi to either show me the correct speed or that
it doesnt know instead of showing me wrong information 30% of the time.

> > Id rather check all the individiual streets and tag them
> > one by one when i am shure i have the correct fact.
> And if JOSM could understand the speed-polygon and told you:
> "This road has speed limit 50 km/h because of way 2387567."
> Would it be a suitable solution?

First josm needs to learn to put polygons into a seperate layer before
we start adding even more ...

> When someone more knowledgeable about the town comes after me, he can
> easily set 'maxspeed=*' tag to roads, which have such regulation.
> If I had put 'zone-50' tag there? What would you do if you find that
> someone else had put a tag you consider suspicious? Probably
> double-check that place... spending more time checking someone else's
> mistake.

There is no solution other than local survey - everything else is 
guessing - and IMHO openstreetmap is a collection of facts not guesses.
So better have no fact than wrong guesses - at least thats true
for maxspeed. 

I know its frustrating to see the map grow slowly but better than having
a pile of bullshit nobody cares to look after. My experience is that once
a street is in OSM nobody cares whether the name, maxspeed or something is 
correct. So better you be accurate right from the beginning.

> Lastly I must say that I really do feel for a perfect, detailed map.
> But I try not to forget about other people, especially newbies and also
> about those people, who do not spend hours studying wiki.

No worry - just ignore maxspeed for the moment - its not that important. 

Florian Lohoff                  f...@rfc822.org             +49-171-2280134
        Those who would give up a little freedom to get a little 
          security shall soon have neither - Benjamin Franklin

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