Florian Lohoff píše v Čt 21. 05. 2009 v 09:21 +0200:
> There is no solution other than local survey - everything else is 
> guessing - and IMHO openstreetmap is a collection of facts not guesses.
> So better have no fact than wrong guesses - at least thats true
> for maxspeed.

Than why do we have tags like "access=unknown"? It's not a guess, it's
just missing information. The legislation says following: "Inside
built-up area the speed limit is 50 km/h if not specified otherwise".

Creating an area "zone:traffic=XX:in_town" is an exact mirror of this

> Speedlimit is not like a missing name - Speed kills and we need to be pretty
> shure its accurate - Better no speed information at all than a sever broken
> one. I dont care if the name is missing but i care whether the speed is
> correct. I'd want my navi to either show me the correct speed or that
> it doesnt know instead of showing me wrong information 30% of the time.

My GPS works different way. If I'm in a town, it does not check the
default 50 km/h limit. It only checks those roads, which have a sign
regulating the speed. In my proposed model, there must be a "maxspeed"
tag on that particular road or a polygon "zone:traffic=XX:residental",
which would allow the GPS to start beeping.

A polygon "zone:traffic=XX:in_town" does not cause my GPS to check the
speed, because the driver must be aware of such regulation anyway. If
not, he should not be driving a car at all.

But maybe your GPS works different way...

> I know its frustrating to see the map grow slowly but better than having
> a pile of bullshit nobody cares to look after. My experience is that once
> a street is in OSM nobody cares whether the name, maxspeed or something is 
> correct. So better you be accurate right from the beginning.

But this would mean, that GPS units using OSM will be navigating people
through 30 km/h residental areas for about... let's guess 10 more years?
At least in Czech Republic. This does not seem to me like a big

Controlling maxspeed limit and doing navigation through cities are
anyway two distinct things based on different information.

Radomir Cernoch

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