
On the Wiki-Page for the tag historic=castle [1], a tagging scheme for castles, 
palaces and fortifications has appeared. Unfortunately, discussion on that page 
has died down. As I believe that the topic requires quite some more attention 
and the values seem to have appeared without a proposal or vote, I'd like to 
address it again.

My main criticism on the suggested values like "castle_type=Burg" for a 
fortified castle is breaking OSM convention and using local language values 
even though in my opinion a proper English value can be found for all of the 
mentioned objects. I took the liberty of adding such values.

I disagree with the argumentat that such tags were not scientifically accurate 
enough. Most commonly used tags have a mild degree of abstraction. E.g. there 
are considerable differences between a German Autobahn and a British Motorway, 
but still it is not "properly" tagged as highway=Autobahn.

I consider the use of such local language values harmful in an international 
project - and completely unnecessary in this case.



[1] http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:historic%3Dcastle
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