On Thu, 2009-06-18 at 20:26 +0200, Ivo van den Maagdenberg wrote:
> 2009/6/18 Ivo van den Maagdenberg <ivo.vdmaagdenb...@gmail.com>
>         var noname = new OpenLayers.Layer.OSM("NoName", [
>               "http://a.tile.cloudmade.com/"; + nonamekey + "/3/256/",
>               "http://b.tile.cloudmade.com/"; + nonamekey + "/3/256/",
>               "http://c.tile.cloudmade.com/"; + nonamekey + "/3/256/"
> Closer inspection and attention :/ reveals that the main tiles come
> from 
> http://a.tile.openstreetmap.org/ and
> http://b.tile.openstreetmap.org/ 

Ah... if you consistently see 1 in every 3 tiles as missing then chances
are that you may have fallen into a common trap. Try opening each of the
following links:


If you get an error or a blank image on one of those then chances are
that at some point you have asked your browser to 'block images from
this server'. It is quite easy to select this option by mistake.


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