ff has some shortcuts or gestures. clicking lot and fast and you won't  
recognize the change in settings ...

On 18 Jun 2009, at 14:56 , Ivo van den Maagdenberg wrote:

> 2009/6/18 Apollinaris Schoell <ascho...@gmail.com>
> had the same troubles in firefox at some point. some tiles loaded  
> some didn't.
> other browser worked so it was clearly not server problem
> Check the Content -> Load images automatically settings, this solved  
> my troubles
> Very hard to spot, but for some reason the c.tile.openstreetmap.org  
> had made it in exactly the browsers config area you mention, to not  
> load automatically. I removed it and everything properly loads. 12/12.
> What the reason is that I would get the 404.png is not fully clear  
> to me. Anyways, case closed.
> Thanks!
> Ivom

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